8.30-4.30 Mon-Fri, 8.30-12 Sat


+95 1 8564543

On-site Water Treatment Systems

MWAS proposes and offers on-site water treatment systems according to customers’ requirements.

What is On-site Water Treatment?

It is a small- to medium-scale private system that is custom-designed to treat and supply water to an individual institution where the system is installed. The system is designed based on site information, such as water quality, water source, production volume, etc.

Compared to a large-scale, centralized public waterworks, the associated pipes for water supply are shorter and thus the system requires less energy to supply water.

Each system is automated and equipped with a remote monitoring system called, WeLLDAS®, developped by Wellthy Corporation, Japan. With WeLLDAS®, the system operation condition and water quality data can be monitored from anywhere, where mobile network is available. Therefore, safe and stable water supply can be realized.

Installation Example

Basic Process Flow –in case of groundwater filtration

Process flow is determined based on the raw water quality, required water quality, water volume and etc. We are capable of designing the water treatment systems with UF (Ultrafiltration) membrane, RO (Reverse Osmosis) membrane, and other filtration technologies. We propose the treatment technology that best suits the customer’s requirement.


  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
  • Shopping malls
  • Food factories
  • Schools
  • Water works
  • Communities

Water Source Examples

  • Surface water (river, pond, canal, etc)
  • Groundwater
  • City water

What is On-site Water Treatment ?

A customized, pre-engineered containerized system is designed compactly according to customer needs.

How does it works?

  • Capability to convert any water sources such groundwater, city water, surface water into potable water/drinking water/industrial water.
  • Ability to access a safe and stable water supply by using 24/7 remote monitoring system (WeLLDAS)


MWAS is a first and pioneer in Myanmar Water Industry offering the membrane-based desalination technologies and solutions. River water is treated as per your request, especially at the most difficult time to access enough water use during the summer. We are committed that our custom engineered treatment is designed by superior technical experts based on findings and research from water quality variations due to seasonal fluctuations throughout the years.


  • Ground water
  • River water treatment utilizing UF
  • RO membrane technology
  • Seawater or brackish water treatment utilizing RO membrane technology

Membrane Filtration Technology